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Quest for Inclusion: Jews and Liberalism in Modern America. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000.
, Nashville's Jewish Community. Arcadia Publishing, 2010.
, “Kristallnacht and North Carolina: Reporting on Nazi Antisemitism in Black and White”, Southern Jewish History, vol. 13, pp. 81-118, 2010.
, “"Jews and New Christians in the Atlantic Slave Trade"”, in The Jews and the Expansion of Europe and the West, 1450-1800, New York City: Berghahn, 2001, pp. 439-70.
, Henry Cohen: Messenger of the Lord. New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1963.
, The Cohen Family and the Jewish Community in Coastal South Carolina and Georgia. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace, 2012.
, “The Jews in Eighteenth Century Georgia”, Perspectives in Religious Studies, vol. 10, pp. 163-173, 1983.
, Wandering Dixie: Dispatches from the Lost Jewish South. Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP, 2020.
, “"'Hebrews in Favor of the South': Jews, Race, and the North Carolina State Convention of 1861-1862"”, Southern Jewish History, vol. 24, pp. 1-47, 2021.
, ““'Suffer Not the Evil One': Unitarianism and the 1826 Maryland Jew Bill"”, Journal of Religious History, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 338-355, 2020.
, “A Separate Life”, in Jewish Spiritual Journeys: 20 Essays Written to Honor the Occassion of the 70th Birthday of Eugene B. Borowitz, New York: Behrman House, 1997, pp. 93-101.
, A Century of Jewish Life in Dixie. University of Alabama Press, 1974.
, In Jewish Texas: A Family Reunion. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 1998.
, The Jews of South Carolina. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1905.
, “Jewish Education in Charleston, South Carolina during the 18th and 19th Century”, Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, vol. 42, pp. 43-70, 1952.
, “John Wesley and his Jewish Parishioners”, Perspectives in Religious Studies, vol. 10, 1983.
, Judaism and Progress: Sermons and Addresses. New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1935.
, “"The Arrival of a Provocateur: Responses to William Dudley Pelley in Asheville, 1930-1934"”, Southern Jewish History, vol. 16, 2013.
, Judah P. Benjamin, the Jewish Confederate. New York: Free Press, 1988.
, The Lonely Days Were Sundays. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 1993.
, The Provincials: A Personal History of Jews in the South. New York: Atheneum, 1973.
, “The Jews of Richmond”, Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, vol. 4, pp. 21-27, 1896.
, The History of the Jews of Richmond, 1769-1917. Richmond: Press of H.T. Ezekiel, 1917.
, Jews, Slaves and the Slave Trade: Setting the Record Straight. New York: New York University Press, 1998.
, A Home in Shalom'ville: The History of Asheville's Jewish Community. Asheville, NC: Jewish Community Center of Asheville, 2015.