
The SJHS Speakers/Consultants Bureau

The listing offers information  to organizations about opportunities to engage speakers, archival consultants, genealogy consultants, oral history experts, editors, museum and exhibit curators/consultants, and authors, all with expertise in the field of southern Jewish history. 

This resource person listing is a service of the SJHS to link knowledgeable individuals with individuals and organizations that may benefit from their expertise. All arrangements will be made directly between the interested parties. Please contact consultants directly. The honoraria and travel subsidies are set by the consultant.



Mark K. Bauman

Exhibit/Film/Museum Consultants:
Hasia Diner
Karen Franklin

Genealogy Consultants:

Karen Franklin

For additional information, please contact Dr. Mark K. Bauman, Chair, SJHS Resource Person Committee at markkbauman@aol.com(link sends e-mail).

How to become a speaker

The society has neither limited the participation on this list, nor verified any information provided by those listed.