Found 1011 results
The Jews of Key West: Smugglers, Cigar Makers and Revolutionaries (1823-1969). Key West: Sand Paper Press, 2017.
, “Lynchburg's Swabian Jewish Entrepreneurs in War and Peace”, Southern Jewish History, vol. 3, pp. 45-81, 2000.
, “Wobblies, Communists and a Wealthy Jew: Centralia. Angelo Herndon. Leo Frank.”, in Trial by Prejudice, New York: Covici, Friede, 1933.
, The Florida Jewish Heritage Trail. Florida Department of State, 2000.
, Simon Baruch: Introduction to the Man and His Work. Richmond: , 1950.
, Three: An Unfinished Woman, Pentimento, Scoundrel Time. New York: Little Brown, 1980.
, “Federal Naturalization Oaths, Charleston, South Carolina, 1790-1860”, South Carolina Historical Magazine, vol. 66, no. April and July, pp. 112-124; 183-192, 1965.
, “Gottlieb's Bakery: A Savannah Tradition”, Georgia Journal, vol. 4, no. February-March, pp. 16, 30-31, 1984.
, “Jacob Henry's Speech, 1809”, in Jews in the South, Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 1973, pp. 43-46.
, Memoirs of a Veteran who Served as a Private in the 60s in the War Between the States: Personal Incidents, Experiences, and Observations. Atlanta: Byrd Printing Company, 1911.
, “Southern Jews and Public Policy”, in Turn to the South, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1979, pp. 143-150.
, “Southern Jews”, in Jews in the South, Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 1973, pp. 217-250.
, “Southern Jews, Race Relations and Foreign Policy”, Jewish Social Studies, vol. 27, no. October, pp. 213-236, 1965.
, Bethink Rabbi Benjamin Schultz. Xlibris, 2012.
, Bernhard Henry Gotthelf: The First Reform Rabbi of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Vicksburg, MS: privately published, 2001.
, The Jews of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Xlibris, 2007.
, “"Tension and Transcendence: 'The Jew' in the Fiction of Carson McCullers"”, Southern Literary Journal, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 52-72, 2008.
, “Unsettled Jews: Geographic Mobility in a Nineteenth-Century City”, American Jewish Historical Quarterly, vol. 67, no. December, pp. 125-139, 1977.
, “The Jewish Community of Atlanta from the End of the Civil War until the Eve of the Frank Case”, American Jewish Historical Quarterly, vol. 62, no. March, pp. 250-285, 1973.
, Strangers in the Gate City: The Jews of Atlanta, 1845-1915. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1978.
, “Southern Jews and their Encounter with Blacks: Atlanta, 1850-1915”, Atlanta Historical Journal, vol. 23, no. Fall, pp. 7-24, 1979.
, Days of Building: History of a Jewish Community: Shreveport, Louisiana. Shreveport: Jewish History Committee of Shreveport, 1965.
, “"Rabbi Maurice Mayer: German Revolutionary, Charleston Reformer, and Anti-Abolitionist"”, Southern Jewish History, vol. 17, pp. 45-89, 2014.
, Jewish Identity in the Reconstruction South: Ambivalence and Adaptation. Boston: Walter De Gruyter, 2013.
, “Jews at the Cape Fear Coast”, Southern Jewish History, vol. 13, pp. 1-43, 2010.