Call for Papers



The Southern Jewish Historical Society is holding its fortieth annual conference in Nashville, TN, October 30, 2015 to November 1, 2015.  The theme of the conference is “Jews and the Urban South.” Proposals outside of this theme will also be welcomed.  Possible topics include Jews as mayors of southern cities; Jewish interaction with other immigrant/ethnic minorities in the cities including black-Jewish relations; ethnic politics and civic activities; Jews and urban education, arts and culture; Jews and urban business; Jews and mobility (eg. in and out migrations, movement within cities including suburbanization, ethnic clustering and movement of those clusters, and socio-economic mobility); and Jewish religion and religious practices. Proposals comparing and contrasting the Jewish experience in southern cities with those in cities elsewhere in the country or in other countries are also welcome.

Proposals for individual papers should include the individual’s name, contact information, one paragraph academic bio sketch, the title of the presentation, and one - page description indicating the basic themes, the relationship of the findings to appropriate historiography, and the nature of the primary sources used. Session proposals from two or three presenters possibly including a chairperson/commentator may also be submitted.     

Besides regular sessions, the conference typically includes a meet the authors panel. If you have a book concerning southern Jewish history published in 2015 and would like to be included, please contact the program chair.  

Please submit proposals by March 15, 2015 to Mark K. Bauman, Chair, Program Committee (, and committee members Adam S. Meyer (, Heather D. Hammond (, Lee Shai Weissbach (, and Josh Parshall (

Mark Bauman will be happy to respond to questions. Proposals may also be reviewed prior to March 15th so please consider early submission.