Georgia: Excluding Atlanta
The Day is Short: An Autobiography
Savannah's New South: The Politics of Reform, 1885-1910
Oglethorpe and the Parliamentary Election of 1754
Dr. Samuel Nunes Ribiero and the Settlement of Georgia
"Jewish Savannah in Atlantic Perspective: A Reconsideration of North America's First Intentional Jewish Community"
The Cohen Family and the Jewish Community in Coastal South Carolina and Georgia
The Jews in Eighteenth Century Georgia
John Wesley and his Jewish Parishioners
Voices of Savannah: Selections from the Oral History Collection of the Savannah Jewish Archives
A History of Temple Beth Israel of Macon, Georgia
"One Religion, Different Worlds: Sephardic and Ashkenazic Immigrants in Eighteenth-Century Savannah"
A Haven of Benignity: Conflict and Cooperation Between 18th Century Savannah Jews
Savannah's Jewish Women and the Shaping of Ethnic and Gender Identity, 1830-1900
Becoming Southern: The Jews of Savannah, Georgia
Creating Ethnic, Class and Southern Identity in 19th Century America: The Jews of Savannah, 1830-1880
Ambivalent Relations: Acceptance and Anti-Semitism in Confederate Thomasville
Gottlieb's Bakery: A Savannah Tradition
"The Transregional Mobility of Jews from Macon, GA., 1860-1880"
The Jews of Georgia from the Outbreak of the American Revolution to the Close of the 18th Century
The First Jew to Hold Office as Governor of One of the United States
The Jews of Georgia in Colonial Times
The Settlement of the Jews in Georgia
Fanny Cohen's Journal of Sherman's Occupation of Savannah
The Minis Family of Georgia, 1733-1992
One Place: Paul Kwilecki and Four Decades of Photographs from Decatur County, Georgia
"Being Jewish in Columbus, Georgia: The Business, Politics, and Religion of Jacob and Isaac Moses, 1828-1890"
Profile of a Southern Jewish Community: Waycross, Georgia
Mordecai Sheftall: Jewish Revolutionary Patriot
The Early History of Georgia's Jews
Savannah's Old Jewish Community Cemeteries
Joseph Solomon Ottolenghi: Kosher Butcher in Italy - Christian Missionary in Georgia
Savannah's Old Jewish Cemeteries
Touched with Fire: Morris Abram and the Battle Against Racial and Religious Discrimination
Judaism in Eighteenth-Century Georgia
The Sheftalls of Savannah
Latent Klanism in Georgia, 1890-1915
Last Order of the Lost Cause: The Civil War Memoirs of a Jewish Family from the Old South
Bernard Henry: His Naval and Diplomatic Career
Third to None: The Saga of Savannah Jewry
Historic Churches and Temples of Georgia
Chant of Ages; Cry of Cotton: The Biography of a South Georgia Jewish Community's Beginnings, 1865-1908
Reflections of Southern Jewry: The Letters of Charles Wessolowsky
This New Canaan: The Jewish Experience in Georgia
No Jew Can Murder: Memories of Tom Watson and the Lichtenstein Murder Case of 1901
Jews and Gentiles in a South Georgia Town
For Him the Schwartzers Couldn't Do Enough: A Jewish Peddler and his Black Customers
Notes and Documents on the 1862 Expulsionof Jews from Thomasville, GA
The Man from Gehau
The First Jews of Valdosta
The Sheftalls of Savannah: Colonial Leaders and Founding Fathers of Georgia Judaism
The Sheftalls of Georgia
The Minis Family
The History of the Jewish Community in Augusta, Georgia
Washington Bartlett: California's Jewish Governor
The Sheftall Diaries: Vital Records of Savannah Jewry, 1733-1808
New Light on the Jewish Settlement in Savannah
"Memoirs of Oscar Dreizin of Butler and Macon, Georgia, c. 1948"
The Ascendancy of Reform Judaism in the American South During the Nineteenth Century