2008 -Southern Jewish History Volume 11


Contents for Volume 11 (2008)

“In the Shadow of Hitler: Birmingham’s Temple Emanu-El and Nazism” by Dan J. Puckett

“Harry Golden, New Yorker: I ♥ NC” by Leonard Rogoff

“Charleston Jewry, Black Civil Rights, and Rabbi Burton Padoll” by Allen Krause

Personality Profile, “A Sephardic Physician in Williamsburg, Virginia” by Alan L. Breitler and Susan Pryor

Primary Sources: Tales of Two Weddings:

“Henrietta Shebeiner marries Aaron Davis, June 7, 1870, Eufaula, Alabama” by Daniel R. Weinfeld

“Rosa Benjamin marries Jacob Katz, July 7, 1886, Micanopy, Florida” by Rachel Heimovics Braun and Marcia Jo Zerivitz

Book Review

Hollace Ava Weiner, Jewish ‘Junior League’: The Rise and Demise of the Fort Worth Council of Jewish Women, reviewed by Ieva Zake

Price: $15.00