Mark Bauman

Mark K. Bauman retired early as professor of history at Atlanta Metropolitan College.  He is the author of biographies of Southern Methodist Bishop Warren A. Candler (recipient of the Jesse Lee Prize) and Rabbi Harry H. Epstein, as well as American Jewish Chronology, and about fifty scholarly articles. He is the editor of Quiet Voices: Southern Rabbis and Civil Rights; Dixie Diaspora: An Anthology on Southern Jewish History; and three special issues of American Jewish History.  He serves as founding and current editor of Southern Jewish History.  Holder of Masters degrees from Lehigh and Chicago and a doctorate from Emory, he taught at the College of William and Mary as a Mason Fellow (2005) and received Starkoff and Director’s Fellowships to conduct research at the American Jewish Archives.  Bauman received the Distinguished Service Award from Georgia Association of Historians (2002) and the first Samuel Proctor Outstanding Scholarly Career Award in southern Jewish history from the Southern Jewish Historical Society (2008).   Bauman investigates individual, and inter and intra-group behavior through the study of religious/ethnic/immigrant minorities.  

Mark is interested in providing editing services and giving presentations.

Presentation topics include but are not limited to:
Black-Jewish Relations in the South (including Southern Rabbis and Black Civil Rights)
Southern Jewish Women: Social Services and Changing Roles
Antisemitism and Acceptance of Jews in the South
Jews in the South as Cosmopolitans
The Origins of Reform Judaism
Colonial Georgia and South Carolina Jewry (including Jews in the colonial fur trade)
Southern Jewish Business/Economic History
Atlanta Jewish History (including Jewish Social Services)
The Evolving Roles of Rabbis in the South
Themes in Southern Jewish History

Honorarium: Negotiable

Please contact me at; H: 404-366-3306; cell: 678-428-3622.