2010 - Southern Jewish History Volume 13


Contents for Volume 13:

“Jews at the Cape Fear Coast: A Portrait of Jewish Wilmington, NC, 1860–1880” by Anton Hieke

“That Spirit Must be Stamped Out: The Mutilation of Joseph Needleman and North Carolina’s Effort to Prosecute Lynch Mob Participants during the 1920s” by Vann Newkirk

Kristallnacht and North Carolina: Reporting on Nazi Antisemitism in Black and White” by Robert Drake

“The Hermans of New Orleans: A Family in History” by StephenJ. Whitfield

“Rabbi Benjamin Schultz and the American Jewish League Against Communism: From McCarthy to Mississippi” by Allen Krause

Primary Sources: “Leo Frank Revisited: New Resources on an Old Subject” by Sandra Berman

Necrology:  “Solomon Breibart (1914–2009)” by Janice Rothschild Blumberg

Book Reviews

Matthew H. Bernstein, Screening a Lynching: The Leo Frank Case on Film and Television, reviewed by Michael Rothschild

Benjamin Ginsberg, Moses of South Carolina: A Jewish Scalawag during Reconstruction, reviewed by Robert P. Bloomberg

Leonard Rogoff, Down Home: Jewish Life in North Carolina, reviewed by Michael Cohen

Hans J. Sternberg with James E. Shelledy, We Were Merchants: The Sternberg Family and the Story of Goudchaux’s and Maison Blanche Department Stores, reviewed by Mary L. Kwas

Bryan Edward Stone, The Chosen Folks: Jews on the Frontiers of Texas, reviewed by Stuart Rockoff

Clive Webb, Rabble Rousers: The American Far Right in the Civil Rights Era, reviewed by Leonard Dinnerstein
Price: $15.00