Southern Jewish History is a refereed publication in that manuscripts will be reviewed by the editor and two peer reviewers. Not all papers either delivered at conferences, receiving awards, or otherwise submitted will be accepted, and it is not unusual for authors to be asked for revisions.
Memoirs, original research, creative methodologies and interpretations, historiographical and how-to (for example, how to research your "roots”, how to conduct an interview, how to organize an archives) articles are solicited. The journal is very flexible in terms of article length.
Authors should submit articles via email attachment. The author's name, address and affiliation should not appear on the article but should be included separately. As indicated below, articles must be double-spaced throughout and citations should appear as end notes. Although articles may be submitted throughout the year, normally they must be received by February 15th to be considered for publication in the forthcoming volume. Illustrations should not be submitted with articles although these will be solicited if the article is accepted. If you have questions, contact journal editor Mark Bauman, 2517 Hartford Drive, Ellenwood, GA 30294; 404 366-3306;
I. Citation format and other standard references
A. End note format will generally follow the Chicago Manual of Style, most recent edition.
B. Standard references used by the journal include Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, and Joyce Eisenberg and Ellen Scolnic, Dictionary of Jewish Words (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 2006)
II. Other style notes
A. Capitalization should be kept to a minimum.
1. Such words as gentile should be lower case.
2. Titles should be lower case except when the individual's name is used (the president; President Roosevelt, the rabbi; Rabbi Cohen; college professor David Jones, Professor David Jones).
3. Organizational names should be capitalized when they are the formal title but not as shorter titles (the Jewish Education Alliance of Atlanta; the alliance). In the case of legislative bodies or courts, these are lower case except when complete names are given (the senate, the United States Senate; the house of representatives, the Georgia House of Representatives; the court of appeals, the United States Supreme Court).
B. Numbers and dates should conform to the following guidelines:
1. Whole numbers from one through ninety-nine should be spelled out as are any of these followed by hundred, thousand, million, etc. For others use numerals (5,234, 101 Dalmatians).
2. Years include the first two digits (1935-1945, not 1935-45). Decades are expressed as either the 1920s or the twenties, but not the 1920's, the '60s, the 60s or the 60's).
3. Dates should be full month, day and year (March 12, 1997).
4. Monetary amounts below one dollar should be spelled out (forty-two cents) as should round dollar amounts (one hundred dollars, two thousand five hundred dollars), but use numerals for odd amounts ($5.24, $163, $1,225,623). Use "more than two hundred dollars" and not "over $200."
5. Use percent with the amount in numerals (75 percent, not 75% or seventy-five percent).
6. Measurements should be written out (five feet ten inches, not 5'10"; five pounds, not 5 lbs).
7. Time of day should be in numerals (2 P.M., 3:45 A.M.).
C. Punctuation and other usages should conform to the following:
1. Serial comma will be used before "and" (red, white, and blue). Do not use a comma after beginning phrases starting with although, during, etc.
2. The words "African American" (without hyphen) or "black" are to be used instead of "negro" even if the latter was used at the time a primary source was written.
3. Certain titles should appear in abbreviated form when the person's name is given (Dr. Smith, Rev. Jones).
4. Avoid the use of "upon" (on which, not: upon which; relied on, not relied upon). Use "because" instead of "since" or "when" (She was saved because sparks failed to ignite. He was saved because she did the right thing). Use "until," not "till."
III. Length should be about 35 pages (excluding citations) although longer articles may be considered.
IV. Preparation of Text
A. Text should be typed double spaced (with the exception of longer [over four lines] indented quotations). Citations (end notes) should appear after the text and should be double spaced.
B. All pages (including end notes) should be numbered sequentially at the bottom and centered.
C. New paragraphs should be indented. Extra lines should not be added between paragraphs or between end notes.
D. No fancy fonts or ornaments should be used. Citation numbers and fonts should be in normal size.
E. Italics should be used for book, newspaper, and journal titles.
F. Margins should be one inch along all sides. Lines should not be centered or justified right.
G. Please keep formatting as simple as possible. Use of delay or supress commands may interfere with the formatting of the printer. Indention should always be done with the tab or indent keys/command (WordPerfect).
H. Section headings should be used as appropriate.