Contents of Southern Jewish History By Volume

Contents of Southern Jewish History
By Volume

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Winners of the Quadrennial Award for Best Article in SJH



Volume 27 (2024)

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Primary Sources


Book Reviews

  • Devery S. Anderson, A Slow, Calculated Lynching: The Story of Clyde Kennard, reviewed by Stephen Whitfield
  • Mark K. Bauman, The Temple and Its People to 2018: The Hebrew Benevolent Congregation: Living Up to the Name and the Legacy, reviewed by Tobias Brinkmann
  • Joel Gereboff and Jonathan L. Friedmann, Jewish Historical Societies: Navigating the Professional–Amateur Divide, reviewed by Dana Herman
  • Jerome Novey, The Life and Letters of Samuel Ellsworth Fleet: An Immigrant’s Tale, reviewed by Marcia Jo Zerivitz
  • Marlene Trestman, Most Fortunate Unfortunates: The Jewish Orphans’ Home of New Orleans, reviewed by Reena Sigman Friedman
  • Diane Catherine Vecchio, Peddlers, Merchants, and Manufacturers: How Jewish Entrepreneurs Built Economy and Community in Upcountry South Carolina, reviewed by Scott M. Langston

Film Reviews

  • People of the Crossing: The Jews of El Paso, reviewed by Bryan Edward Stone 
  • The Nita and Zita Project, reviewed by Rachel Merrill Moss

Exhibit Reviews

  • A Better Life for Their Children: Julius Rosenwald, Booker T. Washington, and the 4,978 Schools that Changed America, reviewed by Emily Rena Williams
  • What is Jewish Washington?, reviewed by Andrew Sperling
  • Infinite Poem, reviewed by Nora Katz

Website Review

  • Synagogues of the South: Architecture and Jewish Identity, reviewed by Christopher D. Cantwell
Volume 26 (2023)

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Primary Sources


  • From Goldene Medina to Gold Star Father: The Georgia “Jew Store,” Lance J. Sussman
  • Memoirs of Oscar Dreizin of Butler and Macon,Georgia, c. 1948, Lance J. Sussman and Karen Franklin, eds.

Book Reviews

  • Neil Kinghan, A Brief Moment in the Sun: Francis Cardozo and Reconstruction in South Carolina, reviewed by Mitchell Snay
  • Adam D. Mendelsohn, Jewish Soldiers in the Civil War: The Union Army, reviewed by Robert N. Rosen
  • Peter M. Wolf, The Sugar King. Leon Godchaux: A New Orleans Legend, His Creole Slave, and His Jewish Roots, reviewed by Jacob Morrow-Spitzer

Exhibit Review

  • Beth-El Civil Rights Experience, reviewed by Ashley Walters

Film Reviews

  • A Crime on the Bayou, reviewed by Stephen J. Whitfield
  • The Levys of Monticello, reviewed by Lauren B. Strauss
Volume 25 (2022)

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Primary Sources


  • From the Memoirs Section Editors, Lance J. Sussman and Karen S. Franklin
  • Contextualizing Rabbi Davidow’s Memoir: A Historical Introduction To Jewish Life in the Mississippi Delta,1943–1961, Lance J. Sussman and Paul Finkelman
  • Growing Up Jewish in the Mississippi Delta, 1943–1961:A Rabbi’s Memoir, Fred Davidow

Book Reviews

  • Review Essay: Memoirs and Archives: Celebrating the Jews of Atlanta, Jacob Morrow-Spitzer
  • Howard Ball, Taking the Fight South: Chronicle of a Jew’s Battle for Civil Rights in Mississippi, reviewed by Fred V. Davidow
  • Andrew Feiler, A Better Life for Their Children: Julius Rosenwald, Booker T. Washington, and the 4,978 Schools that Changed America, reviewed by Deborah Dash Moore
  • Marilyn Grace Miller, Port of No Return: Enemy Alien Internment in World War II New Orleans, reviewed by Shael Herman
  • T. K. Thorne, Behind the Magic Curtain: Secrets, Spies, and Unsung White Allies of Birmingham’s Civil Rights Days, reviewed by Raymond Arsenault
  • James Traub, Judah Benjamin: Counselor to the Confederacy, reviewed by Michael Hoberman

Exhibit Reviews

  • The Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience, reviewed by Irwin Lachoff
  • History with Chutzpah: Remarkable Stories of the Southern Jewish Adventure, 1733–Present, reviewed by Leah Lefkowitz
  • A Source of Light, reviewed by Ashley Walters

Website Review

  • Jewish Merchant Project, reviewed by Diane Vecchio
Volume 24 (2021)

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Primary Sources

Book Reviews

  • Roselle Kline Chartock, The Jewish World of Elvis Presley, reviewed by Michael Rothschild
  • Sherry Z. Frank, A Passion to Serve: Memoirs of a Jewish Activist, reviewed by Ellen M. Umansky
  • Billy Keyserling with Mike Greenly, Sharing Common Ground: Promises Unfulfilled but Not Forgotten, reviewed by Orville Vernon Burton
  • Allison E. Schottenstein, Changing Perspectives: Black-Jewish Relations in Houston during the Civil Rights Era, reviewed by Hollace Ava Weiner
  • Mary Stanton, Red Black White: The Alabama Communist Party, 1930–1950, reviewed by Stephen J. Whitfield

Website Review

  • L’dor V’dor: Jewish Women and their Impact onNew Orleans, reviewed by Rachel Kranson

Film Reviews

  • Reawakening, reviewed by Phyllis K. Leffler
  • Atlanta: The City Too Busy To Wait, reviewed by Bob Bahr
Volume 23 (2020)

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Primary Sources

Book Reviews

  • Mark K. Bauman, A New Vision of Southern Jewish History: Studies in Institution Building, Leadership, Interaction, and Mobility, reviewed by Gary Phillip Zola
  • S. Perry Brickman, Extracted: Unmasking Rampant Antisemitism in America’s Higher Education, reviewed by Carl L. Zielonka
  • David E. Lowe, Touched with Fire: Morris B. Abram and the Battle Against Racial and Religious Discrimination, reviewed by Jonathan B. Krasner
  • Walker Robins, Between Dixie and Zion: Southern Baptists and Palestine before Israel, reviewed by Yaakov Ariel
  • Marcia Jo Zerivitz, Jews of Florida: Centuries of Stories, reviewed by Kenneth D. Wald     

Exhibit Reviews

  • Modern Visions, Modern Art: The Cone Sisters in North Carolina and Modern Visions, Mountain Views: The Cones of Flat Top Manor, reviewed by Leonard Rogoff

Website Review

  • Mapping Jewish Charleston: From the Colonial Era to the Present Day, reviewed by Curt Jackson

Film Review

  • Shared Legacies: The African American-Jewish Civil Rights Alliance, reviewed by Aaron Levi
Volume 22 (2019)

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Primary Sources

Book Reviews

  • Eric L. Goldstein and Deborah R. Weiner, On Middle Ground: A History of the Jews of Baltimore, reviewed by Deborah Dash Moore
  • Charles McNair, Play It Again, Sam: The Notable Life of Sam Massell, Atlanta’s First Minority Mayor, reviewed by Ronald H. Bayor
  • James L. Moses, Just and Righteous Causes: Rabbi Ira Sanders and the Fight for Racial and Social Justice in Arkansas, 1926–1963, reviewed by Marc Dollinger
  • Leon Waldoff, A Story of Jewish Experience in Mississippi, reviewed by Joshua Parshall

Exhibit Reviews

  • The National Memorial for Peace and Justice, reviewed by Elijah Gaddis
  • Gone 2 Texas: Two Waves of Immigration, Soviet and South African, reviewed by Nils Roemer

Website Review

  • Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence Jewish Kentucky Oral History Project, reviewed by Joshua Parshall
Volume 21 (2018)

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Primary Sources

Book Reviews

  • Michael R. Cohen, Cotton Capitalists: American Jewish Entrepreneurship in the Reconstruction Era, reviewed by Edward S. Shapiro
  • Arlo Haskell, The Jews of Key West: Smugglers, Cigar Makers, and Revolutionaries, 1823–1969, reviewed by Raymond Arsenault
  • Shari Rabin, Jews on the Frontier: Religion and Mobility in Nineteenth-Century America, reviewed by Lee Shai Weissbach

Exhibit Reviews

  • The Legacy of the Hebrew Orphans’ Home: Educating the Jewish South Since 1876, reviewed by Caroline Light
  • Kehillah: A History of Jewish Life in Greater Orlando, reviewed by Mark I. Pinsky

Website Review

  • The Texas Slavery Project, reviewed by Joshua Furman
Volume 20 (2017)

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Primary Sources

Book Reviews

  • Alexander Z. Gurwitz, tr. Amram Prero, ed. Bryan Edward Stone, Memories of Two Generations: A Yiddish Life in Russia and Texas, reviewed by Jarrod Tanny
  • P. Allen Krause, ed. Mark K. Bauman with Stephen Krause, To Stand Aside or Stand Alone: Southern Reform Rabbis and the Civil Rights Movement, reviewed by Adam Meyer
  • Leonard Rogoff, Gertrude Weil: Jewish Progressive in the New South, reviewed by David Weinfeld

Exhibit Review

  • The First Jewish Americans: Freedom and Culture in the New World, reviewed by Hasia Diner

Film Review

  • Rosenwald, reviewed by Matthew H. Bernstein
Volume 19 (2016)

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Primary Sources

Book Reviews

  • Hasia Diner, Roads Taken: The Great Jewish Migrations to the New World and the Peddlers Who Forged the Way, reviewed by Anton Hieke
  • Debbie Z. Harwell, Wednesdays in Mississippi: Proper Ladies Working for Radical Change, Freedom Summer 1964, reviewed by Miyuki Kita
  • Tom Rice, White Robes, Silver Screens: Movies and the Making of the Ku Klux Klan, reviewed by Matthew H. Bernstein
  • Marlene Trestman, Fair Labor Lawyer: The Remarkable Life of New Deal Attorney and Supreme Court Advocate Bessie Margolin, reviewed by Melvin I. Urofsky

Website Review

  • The William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum, reviewed by Anna Tucker

Exhibit Reviews

  • Seeking Justice: The Leo Frank Case Revisited, reviewed by Ellen G. Rafshoon
  • Congregation Mickve Israel Museum, reviewed by Lynn Levine

Film Review

  • Carvalho’s Journey, reviewed by Michael Hoberman
Volume 18 (2015)

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Primary Sources

Book Reviews

  • Kimberly Marlowe Hartnett, Carolina Israelite: How Harry Golden Made Us Care about Jews, the South, and Civil Rights, reviewed by Hank Klibanoff
  • Nick Kotz, The Harness Maker’s Dream: Nathan Kallison and the Rise of South Texas, reviewed by Allison Elizabeth Schottenstein
  • Monique Laney, German Rocketeers in the Heart of Dixie: Making Sense of the Nazi Past during the Civil Rights Era, reviewed by Dan J. Puckett
  • Caroline E. Light, That Pride of Race and Character: The Roots of Jewish Benevolence in the Jim Crow South, reviewed by Marni Davis
  • Adam D. Mendelsohn, The Rag Race: How Jews Sewed Their Way to Success in America and the British Empire, reviewed by Edward S. Shapiro
  • Jennifer A. Stollman, Daughters of Israel, Daughters of the South: Southern Jewish Women and Identity in the Antebellum and Civil War South, reviewed by Anton Hieke

Website Review

  • Jewish Atlantic World, website reviewed by Shari Rabin

Exhibit Reviews

  • The Life of the Synagogue, from the William A. Rosenthall Judaica Collection, online exhibit reviewed by Rachel Gross
  • Of Passover and Pilgrimage: The Natchez Jewish Experience, exhibit reviewed by Joshua Cobbs Youngblood
Volume 17 (2014)

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Primary Sources

Book Reviews

  • Anton Hieke, Jewish Identity in the Reconstruction South: Ambivalence and Adaptation, reviewed by Lee Shai Weissbach
  • Dan J. Puckett, In the Shadow of Hitler: Alabama’s Jews, the Second World War, and the Holocaust, reviewed by Kirsten Fermaglich

Website Review

  • Gershwind-Bennett Isaac Leeser Digital Repository, website reviewed by Adam Mendelsohn
Volume 16 (2013)

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Primary Sources

Book Reviews

  • Janice Rothschild Blumberg, Prophet in a Time of Priests: Rabbi “Alphabet” Browne, 1845–1929: A Biography, reviewed by Lance Sussman
  • Jeff Clemmons, Rich’s: A Southern Institution, reviewed by Marni Davis

Exhibit Review

  • Passages through the Fire: Jews and the Civil War. American Jewish Historical Society and the Yeshiva University Museum, reviewed by Jeffrey S. Gurock
Volume 15 (2012)

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Primary Sources

Book Reviews

  • Rich Cohen, The Fish That Ate the Whale: The Life and Times of America’s Banana King, reviewed by Stephen J. Whitfield
  • Marni Davis, Jews and Booze: Becoming American in the Age of Prohibition, reviewed by Thomas R. Pegram
  • Robert H. Gillette, The Virginia Plan: William B. Thalhimer and a Rescue from Nazi Germany, reviewed by Michael Murphy
  • Kathryn J. McGarr, The Whole Damn Deal: Robert Strauss and the Art of Politics, reviewed by Hollace Ava Weiner
  • Arthur Remillard, Southern Civil Religions: Imagining the Good Society in the Post-Reconstruction South, reviewed by Mitchell Snay

Exhibit Review

  • That You’ll Remember Me: Jewish Voices of the Civil War, Beth Ahabah Museum and Archives, reviewed by John Kneebone

Website Review

  • Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life, reviewed by Dina Pinsky
Volume 14 (2011)

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Primary Sources

Book Reviews

  • Rebecca T. Albert, Out of Left Field: Jews and Black Baseball, reviewed by Jeffrey S. Gurock
  • Anny Bloch-Raymond, Des berges du Rhin aux rives de Mississippi: Histoire et récits de migrants juifs, reviewed by Helen Y. Herman
  • Karen L. Cox, Dreaming of Dixie: How the South Was Created in American Popular Culture, reviewed by Stephen J. Whitfield
  • Jonathan Sarna and Adam Mendelsohn, eds., Jews and the Civil War: A Reader, reviewed by Anton Hieke

Exhibit Reviews

  • National Museum of American Jewish History: Core Exhibition, Philadelphia, reviewed by J. Kime Lawson
  • Down Home: Jewish Life in North Carolina, traveling exhibition, reviewed by Patrick Lee Lucas

Website Review

  • The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, reviewed by Julian H. Preisler
Volume 13 (2010)

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Primary Sources

Book Reviews

  • Matthew H. Bernstein, Screening a Lynching: The Leo Frank Case on Film and Television, reviewed by Michael Rothschild
  • Benjamin Ginsberg, Moses of South Carolina: A Jewish Scalawag during Reconstruction, reviewed by Robert P. Bloomberg
  • Leonard Rogoff, Down Home: Jewish Life in North Carolina, reviewed by Michael Cohen
  • Hans J. Sternberg with James E. Shelledy, We Were Merchants: The Sternberg Family and the Story of Goudchaux’s and Maison Blanche Department Stores, reviewed by Mary L. Kwas
  • Bryan Edward Stone, The Chosen Folks: Jews on the Frontiers of Texas, reviewed by Stuart Rockoff
  • Clive Webb, Rabble Rousers: The American Far Right in the Civil Rights Era, reviewed by Leonard Dinnerstein
Volume 12 (2009)

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Primary Sources

Exhibit Reviews

  • Beyond Swastika and Jim Crow: Jewish Refugee Scholars at Black Colleges, Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, reviewed by Philip Kasinitz
  • Forgotten Gateway: Coming to America through Galveston Island, 1846–1924, Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum, Austin, Texas, reviewed by Bryan Edward Stone
  • Voices of Lombard Street: A Century of Change in East Baltimore, Jewish Museum of Maryland, Baltimore, reviewed by Marni Davis
Volume 11 (2008)

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Primary Sources: Tales of Two Weddings

  • Henrietta Shebeiner marries Aaron Davis, June 7, 1870, Eufaula, Alabama, Daniel R. Weinfeld
  • Rosa Benjamin marries Jacob Katz, July 7, 1886, Micanopy, Florida, Rachel Heimovics Braun and Marcia Jo Zerivitz

Book Review

  • Hollace Ava Weiner, Jewish ‘Junior League’: The Rise and Demise of the Fort Worth Council of Jewish Women, reviewed by Ieva Zake
Volume 10 (2007)

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SJHS Memories

Review Essays

Book Reviews

  • Andrea Greenbaum, ed., Jews of South Florida, reviewed by Mark I. Greenberg
  • Eliza R. L. McGraw, Two Covenants: Representations of Southern Jewishness, reviewed by Bryan Edward Stone
  • Mary Stanton, The Hand of Esau: Montgomery’s Jewish Community and the Bus Boycott, reviewed by Dan J. Puckett
  • Deborah R. Weiner, Coalfield Jews: An Appalachian History, reviewed by Dana M. Greene
  • Hollace Ava Weiner and Kenneth D. Roseman, eds., Lone Stars of David: The Jews of Texas, reviewed by Bobbie Malone
Volume 9 (2006)

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Necrology: Saul Viener (1921–2006), Bernard Wax

Review Essay: Jews, Whiteness, and Civil Rights, Ronald H. Bayor

Book Reviews

  • Marcie Cohen Ferris, Matzoh Ball Gumbo: Culinary Tales of the Jewish South, reviewed by Hasia R. Diner
  • Valerie Frey, Kaye Kole, and Luciana Spracher, Voices of Savannah: Selections from the Oral History Collection of the Savannah Jewish Archives, reviewed by Mark I. Greenberg
  • Laurie Gunst, Off-White: A Memoir, reviewed by Cheryl Greenberg
  • C. S. Monaco, Moses Levy of Florida: Jewish Utopian and Antebellum Reformer, reviewed by Saul S. Friedman
Volume 8 (2005)

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Necrology: Samuel Proctor (1919–2005), Chris Monaco

Book Reviews

  • David J. Ginzl, Stein Mart: An American Story of Roots, Family and Building a Greater Dream, reviewed by Hollace A. Weiner
  • Jeffrey Gurock, Orthodoxy in Charleston: Brith Sholom Beth Israel and American Jewish History, reviewed by Deborah R. Weiner
  • Clara Silverstein, White Girl: A Story of School Desegregation, reviewed by Adam Mendelsohn
  • Lee Shai Weissbach, Jewish Life in Small Town America: A History, reviewed by Leonard Rogoff
Volume 7 (2004)

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Historian Profiles

Notes and Documents: A Prussian-born Jewish Woman on the Florida Frontier: Excerpts from the Memoir of Bertha Zadek Dzialynski, Canter Brown, Jr.

Book Reviews

  • Emily Bingham, Mordecai: An Early American Family, reviewed by Jennifer A. Stollman
  • Alan M. Kraut, Goldberger’s War: The Life and Work of a Public Health Crusader, reviewed by Jane Rothstein
  • Raymond A. Mohl with Matilda “Bobbi” Graff and Shirley M. Zoloth, South of the South: Jewish Activists and the Civil Rights Movement in Miami, 1945–1950, reviewed by Deborah Dash Moore
  • Steve Oney, And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank, reviewed by Marni Davis
Volume 1 (1998)

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The Journal of the Southern Jewish Historical Society (1958-1963)
Three issues of a peer-edited journal were produced by the Southern Jewish Historical Society between 1958 and 1963. They are available below as full volumes.

Volume 1, Number 1 (November 1958)

  • Foreword, Dr. Jacob R. Marcus
  • Moses Myers and the Early Jewish Community of Norfolk, Dr. Malcolm H. Stern
  • Acquisitions to SJHS Collection at Valentine Museum
  • Tombstones That Tell a Story, Charleston's Historic Coming Street Cemetery, Thomas J. Tobias
  • Franklin J. Moses: Chief Justice of South Carolina, Harry Simonhoff

Volume 1, Number 2 (October 1959)

  • Religious Freedom and the Jew in Colonial Virginia, Louis Ginsberg
  • Rebecca Gratz and Henry Clay: an American Jewess Observes a Leader’s Drive for the Presidency, Dr. Joseph R. Rosenbloom
  • Rev. M. J. Michelbacher (Illustration)
  • A Letter from Herman Hecht to his Son Armand Hecht
  • Monticello and the Levy Family, Dr. Malcolm H. Stern
  • George Jacobs, A Versatile Jew, Emilie V. Jacobs

Volume 1, Number 3 (November 1963)

  • The American Civil War, Robert W. Waitt Jr.
  • Not Forgotten—Henry Gintzberger—Private C.S.A., J. Ambler Johnston
  • Acrostic for Rosa Cohn, W. Flegenheimer
  • Some Notes on the History of the Organized Jewish Community of Norfolk, Virginia, Malcolm H. Stern
  • Program for Confederate Memorial Ceremony—Hebrew Cemetery